Terms and conditions

By using this site, you agree to and accept the following terms, conditions, and notices (we reserve the right to change, update, and revise these terms of use at our sole discretion. Check back often to review any updated terms). Please read the following terms and conditions very carefully:


1.The contents of Michael-Owen.net are intended for the personal, non-commercial use of its users. All materials published on the Website (including, but not limited to news articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips and video clips (collectively, the “Content”) are protected by copyright, trademark and all other applicable intellectual property laws, and are owned or controlled by Michael-Owen.net or the party credited as the provider of such Content, software or other materials. You shall abide by copyright or other notices, information and restrictions appearing in conjunction with any Content accessed through Michael-Owen.net.

2. The trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed on the Website are registered and unregistered Trademarks of Michael-Owen.net. Nothing contained on the Website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the Website without the written permission of Michael-Owen.net or such third party that may own the Trademarks displayed on the Website. Your misuse of the Trademarks displayed on the Website, or any other content on the Website, except as provided in these Terms and Conditions, is strictly prohibited.

3. Any communication or material you transmit to the Website by electronic mail or otherwise, will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy. By transmitting or posting any communications or materials to this Website, you agree that Michael-Owen.net or any of its affiliates may use your communications or materials for any purpose, including reproduction, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting. Michael-Owen.net and its affiliates are free to use any ideas, concepts or know-how contained in such communications or materials for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to developing, manufacturing, distributing and marketing products using such information.

4. Michael-Owen.net does not endorse the content on any third-party Websites. Michael-Owen.net is not responsible for the content of linked third-party Websites, or third-party advertisements, and does not make any representations regarding their content or accuracy. Your use of third-party Websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such Websites.

5. Michael-Owen.net is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of your access to, or use of, the Website. Without limiting the foregoing, everything on the Website is provided to you “As is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Please note that some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you. Check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties. Michael-Owen.net also assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in the Website or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video, or audio from the Website.

6. Michael-Owen.net has not reviewed all of the Websites linked to the Website and is not responsible for the content of any non Michael-Owen.net off-Website pages or Websites linked to the Website. Your linking to any other off-Website pages or other Websites is at your own risk.

7. You should assume that everything you see or read on the Website is copyrighted unless otherwise noted and may not be used except as provided in these Terms and Conditions or in the text on the Website without the written permission ofMichael-Owen.net. Michael-Owen.net neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials displayed on the Website will not infringe rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with Michael-Owen.net. The Service is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to U.S. copyright laws, international conventions and other copyright laws. Except as set forth in Section 1 of these Terms of Service, you may not modify, adapt, translate, exhibit, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, reverse engineer, decompile or dissemble, or in any way exploit, any of the Content, software, materials or Service in whole or in part.

8. You may download or copy the Content and other downloadable items displayed on this Service for personal, non-commercial use only, provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such Content. Copying or storing of any Content for other than personal, noncommercial use is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission from the Rights and Permissions Department, or the copyright holder identified in the individual Content’s proprietary rights notices. While Michael-Owen.net uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information in the Website, Michael-Owen.net makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Michael-Owen.net assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the Website.

9. You agree that any information, feedback, questions, comments and/or submissions to the Website (as discussed below) or the like that you provide to us in connection with this Website or our Services (“Submissions”) will be deemed to be provided to us on a non-confidential and non-proprietary basis and will become and remain our property. We shall have no obligations of any kind with respect to any Submissions and shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose and/or distribute any Submissions for any purpose whatsoever, without limitation. You also agree that we shall be free to use any ideas, concepts or techniques embodied in the Submissions for any purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing, and marketing products or services incorporating such ideas, concepts, or techniques. In addition, you hereby waive all moral rights you may have in any materials uploaded by you.

10 . Images of people or places displayed on the Website are either the property of, or used with permission by Michael-Owen.net. The use of these images by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by these Terms and Conditions or specific permission provided elsewhere on the Website. Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.

11. Michael-Owen.net maintains this product Website (the “Website”) for your personal entertainment, information, education, and communication. You may download material displayed on the Website for non-commercial, personal use only provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You may not, however, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, re post, or use the content of the Website for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio, and video without Michael-Owen.net prior written permission. Your access to and use of the Website is also subject to the following terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) and all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing the Website, you accept, without limitation or qualification, the Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that any other agreements between you and Michael-Owen.net, if any, are superseded and of no force or effect.

12. Michael-Owen.net offers entertainment, personal improvement, and dating, as well as products and services related to personal improvement, and dating. All content, products and services are not to be considered as legal or professional advice, and are to be used for personal entertainment purposes only.

13. You agree to not use this site for any unlawful purpose.

14. Confidentiality and trade secrets: you acknowledge and agree that all content and materials available on this site, including but not limited to systems, designs, wording, colors and graphics are proprietary trade secrets protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, or other proprietary rights and by other laws and that their use is restricted by the terms of this agreement. Use of the content or materials on this site for any purpose without written permission from Michael-Owen.net strictly prohibited. You further agree that you will create no derivative works of this site or the products offered within.


1. The Website contains links to other related World Wide Web Internet Websites, resources and sponsors of Michael-Owen.net. Selection of an ad banner or link will redirect you off of the Website to a third party Website. Interactions that occur between you and the third party are strictly between you and such third party and such interactions are not the responsibility of Michael-Owen.net. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating, and do not warrant the offerings of, any of these businesses or individuals or the content of their Websites. Michael-Owen.net does not assume any liability or responsibility for the actions, product, availability or content of these outside resources. You should direct any concerns regarding any external link to the Website administrator or Webmaster of the third party Website.

2. This website is not intended to be viewed by minors or anyone under the age of 18. By entering this site, you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18.

3. By entering this website, you agree that you wish to be subscribed to this newsletter, and that you will make no threats, and take no additional action against Michael-Owen.net in the event you are unhappy that you subscribed or are not able to remove yourself from this free mailing list. You further agree that if you take any action against Michael-Owen.net other than requesting from us directly to be removed, including reporting or complaining to spamcop.net or any other similar policing entity, reporting or complaining to our isp or hosting company, or any other company that we are affiliated, partnered, or do business with, or make any threats of any kind, that you are violating this agreement and are willfully inflicting irreparable damage upon Michael-Owen.net.

4. You understand that by entering email address on Michael-Owen.net that you are subscribing to a free, no obligation Michael-Owen Email Newsletter. This newsletter is offered as a free service by Michael-Owen.net, and no purchase is necessary.


1. You represent, warrant and covenant (a) that no materials of any kind submitted by you or Michael-Owen.net ’s use thereof in accordance with the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service, will (i) violate, plagiarize or infringe upon the rights of any third party, including, without limitation, copyright, trademark, privacy or publicity, moral rights, contract or other personal or proprietary rights; (ii) contain unlawful material; (iii) constitute false or misleading indications of origin or statements of fact; (iv) slander, libel or defame any person or entity; or (v) cause injury of any kind to any person or entity; or (vi) violate any applicable laws, rules, regulations or other governmental regulations; and (b) that you are at least 18 years old. You hereby indemnify, defend and hold Michael-Owen.net and its officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers, affiliates, licensors and licensees (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from and against any and all liability and costs incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim arising out of any breach by you of these Terms of Service or the foregoing representations, warranties and covenants, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees. You Michael-Owen.net reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you. You shall not enter into any settlement agreement, which affects the rights of Michael-Owen.net without Michael-Owen.net’s prior written approval.

2. Michael-Owen.net neither represents nor endorses the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed, uploaded, or distributed through the Service by any user, information provider or any other person or entity. The website, the service, the access software (defined herein) and any materials provided by Michael-Owen.net or third parties through the website and the service are provided “as is.” Michael-Owen.net makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the merchantability, fitness for a particular use or purpose, title, non-infringement or any other warranty, condition, guaranty, or representation, whether oral, in writing or in electronic form, including but not limited to the accuracy, timeliness or usefulness of any materials provided through the service. Michael-Owen.net does not guarantee that your access to or use of the website or the services available therein will be continuous, uninterrupted or secure.

3. Any name that appears on Michael-Owen.net, including the name Michael Owen,  that resembles an actual person is entirely coincidental.

4. You hereby acknowledge that the use of the Website and the Services available therein is at your sole risk.


1. Michael-Owen.net shall not be responsible to you or any third parties for any direct or indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damage or loss incurred in connection with use of the service, the website software or any of the materials provided by Michael-Owen.net or third parties through the service, or any damage or loss interruptions, deletions of files, errors, defects, delays in performance of the service or the website software, regardless of the claim as to the nature of the cause of action, even if Michael-Owen has been advised of the possibility of such damage or loss. Some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions shall only apply to the extent permissible under applicable law.

2. Michael-Owen.net shall not be liable in any way whatsoever (including, but not limited to, negligence) for any special or consequential damages resulting from either your use of the site or your inability to use it or from your use of any site linked from or to the site. This limitation includes any circumstance in which Michael-Owen.net or its representative has been advised of potential liability. Certain applicable laws may not allow all the limitations of liability described herein. Should that be the case, Michael-Owen.net’s total liability to you for losses, damages, causes of action, and/or negligence shall not exceed the total amount paid by you (if any) to access the site.

3. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, Michael-Owen.net’s aggregate liability, and the aggregate liability of our licensors, to you or any third parties in any circumstance is limited to One Hundred U.S. Dollars ($100).

4. By using the site you waive any claim whatsoever against Michael-Owen.net which arises from your use, whether intended or not, of any other site. This waiver specifically includes any claim arising from a product and/or service which you purchase from any site other than Michael-Owen.net and any claim arising from security of information (including, but not limited to credit card information) which you use on this site. In addition, Michael-Owen.net assumes no responsibility for any content which you find on sites that link either to or from the site. This includes responsibility for the accuracy or compliance with any laws and for any viruses or other harmful things which may be contained in these sites. Nor is Michael-Owen.net responsible should any site link you to a site which you find offensive. Michael-Owen.net does not endorse or warrant the quality of any goods you buy from any site other than the site.

5. Disclaimer: Michael-Owen.net makes no warranties of any kind (either expressed or implied) concerning the materials on the site. Further, Michael-Owen.net does not warrant that transmission of the materials will not be interrupted nor does it warrant that the materials will contain no errors nor that they will be accurate. Michael-Owen.net does not warrant that the site itself or the server which transmits it will be free of viruses or anything else that might be harmful. Nor do we warrant that any defects will be corrected. You alone assume all risk associated with use of the site, including the full cost of any necessary repair or service to your computer.


1. You acknowledge and agree that you shall have no rights to the proprietary software and/or any related documentation, enhancements or modifications thereto, provided to you by the Website. You may not sublicense, assign or transfer any licenses granted to you byMichael-Owen.net, and any attempt at such sublicense, assignment or transfer is void. You may make one (1) copy of such software for archival purposes only. You may not copy, distribute, modify, reverse, engineer or create derivative works from the Website Software.

2. Software from this Website is further subject to United States Export Controls. No software from this Website may be downloaded or exported (i) into (or to a national or resident of) Cuba, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Iran, Syria, or any other country to which the United States has embargoed goods; or (ii) anyone on the United States Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Deny Orders. By downloading or using the software, you represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list.


1. You may not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website or any transaction conducted on the Website. You may not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. You may not disclose or share your password with any third parties or use your password for any unauthorized service.


1. Michael-Owen.net may, in its sole discretion, terminate or suspend your access or refuse service at any time, without notice, to all or part of the Service for any or no reason, including, without limitation, breach of these Terms of Service or the repeated infringement of copyrights owned by third parties.

2. Michael-Owen.net, including, without limitation, its authorized agents and employees may terminate your use of the Website without notice in the event that you breach any obligation in these Terms of Service, including but not limited to, (i) restricting, inhibiting or disrupting any Michael-Owen.net event or (ii) attempting to alter or improperly access any feature or function of the Website. Your access may also be subject to termination if you post or transmit any illegal content; harass or threaten any user of the Website or Michael-Owen.net employee; post content (including, but not limited to, the creation of usernames) that is offensive or otherwise disruptive of Website activities; post unsolicited advertising; or improperly impersonate a Michael-Owen.net employee or other individual.


  1. All items purchased from the Website are made pursuant to a shipment contract. This means that the risk of loss and title for such items passes to you upon our delivery to the carrier.


  1. Michael-Owen.net and its affiliates attempt to describe all of the products on the Website as accurately as possible. However, Michael-Owen.net does not warrant that product descriptions or other Content of this Website is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. If a product offered on our Website itself is not as described, your sole remedy is to return it in unused condition.


1. This Agreement has been made in and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the law without regard to any conflict of law provisions. Michael-Owen.net makes no representation that the Content in this Website is appropriate for access outside of the United States. Those who choose to access this Website from outside the United States do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.

2. Michael-Owen.net may at any time revise these Terms and Conditions by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then current Terms and Conditions to which you are bound.

3. These Terms of Service, the Privacy Statement and any other terms referenced in this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between you and Michael-Owen.net with respect to your access and use of the Website and Services and supercede all prior or contemporaneous agreements (whether oral, written or electronic) between you and Michael-Owen.net with respect to this Website or Services. If any of the provisions of this Agreement are determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then each invalid or enforceable provision will be construed in a manner consistent with applicable laws to reflect, as nearly as possible, the original intentions of the parties, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Michael-Owen.net may assign these Terms of Service (i) to any of its affiliates, (ii) to the surviving entity in the event of a merger, acquisition, or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of Michael-Owen.net or (iii) in connection with the sale of this Website or the business unit associated with this Website.



Terms and conditions

By using this site, you agree to and accept the following terms, conditions, and notices (we reserve the right to change, update, and revise these terms of use at our sole discretion. Check back often to review any updated terms). Please read the following terms and conditions very carefully:


1.The contents of Michael-Owen.net are intended for the personal, non-commercial use of its users. All materials published on the Website (including, but not limited to news articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips and video clips (collectively, the “Content”) are protected by copyright, trademark and all other applicable intellectual property laws, and are owned or controlled by Michael-Owen.net or the party credited as the provider of such Content, software or other materials. You shall abide by copyright or other notices, information and restrictions appearing in conjunction with any Content accessed through Michael-Owen.net.

2. The trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed on the Website are registered and unregistered Trademarks of Michael-Owen.net. Nothing contained on the Website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the Website without the written permission of Michael-Owen.net or such third party that may own the Trademarks displayed on the Website. Your misuse of the Trademarks displayed on the Website, or any other content on the Website, except as provided in these Terms and Conditions, is strictly prohibited.

3. Any communication or material you transmit to the Website by electronic mail or otherwise, will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy. By transmitting or posting any communications or materials to this Website, you agree that Michael-Owen.net or any of its affiliates may use your communications or materials for any purpose, including reproduction, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting. Michael-Owen.net and its affiliates are free to use any ideas, concepts or know-how contained in such communications or materials for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to developing, manufacturing, distributing and marketing products using such information.

4. Michael-Owen.net does not endorse the content on any third-party Websites. Michael-Owen.net is not responsible for the content of linked third-party Websites, or third-party advertisements, and does not make any representations regarding their content or accuracy. Your use of third-party Websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such Websites.

5. Michael-Owen.net is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of your access to, or use of, the Website. Without limiting the foregoing, everything on the Website is provided to you “As is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Please note that some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you. Check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties. Michael-Owen.net also assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in the Website or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video, or audio from the Website.

6. Michael-Owen.net has not reviewed all of the Websites linked to the Website and is not responsible for the content of any non Michael-Owen.net off-Website pages or Websites linked to the Website. Your linking to any other off-Website pages or other Websites is at your own risk.

7. You should assume that everything you see or read on the Website is copyrighted unless otherwise noted and may not be used except as provided in these Terms and Conditions or in the text on the Website without the written permission ofMichael-Owen.net. Michael-Owen.net neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials displayed on the Website will not infringe rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with Michael-Owen.net. The Service is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to U.S. copyright laws, international conventions and other copyright laws. Except as set forth in Section 1 of these Terms of Service, you may not modify, adapt, translate, exhibit, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, reverse engineer, decompile or dissemble, or in any way exploit, any of the Content, software, materials or Service in whole or in part.

8. You may download or copy the Content and other downloadable items displayed on this Service for personal, non-commercial use only, provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such Content. Copying or storing of any Content for other than personal, noncommercial use is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission from the Rights and Permissions Department, or the copyright holder identified in the individual Content’s proprietary rights notices. While Michael-Owen.net uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information in the Website, Michael-Owen.net makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Michael-Owen.net assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the Website.

9. You agree that any information, feedback, questions, comments and/or submissions to the Website (as discussed below) or the like that you provide to us in connection with this Website or our Services (“Submissions”) will be deemed to be provided to us on a non-confidential and non-proprietary basis and will become and remain our property. We shall have no obligations of any kind with respect to any Submissions and shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose and/or distribute any Submissions for any purpose whatsoever, without limitation. You also agree that we shall be free to use any ideas, concepts or techniques embodied in the Submissions for any purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing, and marketing products or services incorporating such ideas, concepts, or techniques. In addition, you hereby waive all moral rights you may have in any materials uploaded by you.

10 . Images of people or places displayed on the Website are either the property of, or used with permission by Michael-Owen.net. The use of these images by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by these Terms and Conditions or specific permission provided elsewhere on the Website. Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes.

11. Michael-Owen.net maintains this product Website (the “Website”) for your personal entertainment, information, education, and communication. You may download material displayed on the Website for non-commercial, personal use only provided you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You may not, however, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, re post, or use the content of the Website for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio, and video without Michael-Owen.net prior written permission. Your access to and use of the Website is also subject to the following terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) and all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing the Website, you accept, without limitation or qualification, the Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that any other agreements between you and Michael-Owen.net, if any, are superseded and of no force or effect.

12. Michael-Owen.net offers entertainment, personal improvement, and dating, as well as products and services related to personal improvement, and dating. All content, products and services are not to be considered as legal or professional advice, and are to be used for personal entertainment purposes only.

13. You agree to not use this site for any unlawful purpose.

14. Confidentiality and trade secrets: you acknowledge and agree that all content and materials available on this site, including but not limited to systems, designs, wording, colors and graphics are proprietary trade secrets protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, or other proprietary rights and by other laws and that their use is restricted by the terms of this agreement. Use of the content or materials on this site for any purpose without written permission from Michael-Owen.net strictly prohibited. You further agree that you will create no derivative works of this site or the products offered within.


1. The Website contains links to other related World Wide Web Internet Websites, resources and sponsors of Michael-Owen.net. Selection of an ad banner or link will redirect you off of the Website to a third party Website. Interactions that occur between you and the third party are strictly between you and such third party and such interactions are not the responsibility of Michael-Owen.net. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating, and do not warrant the offerings of, any of these businesses or individuals or the content of their Websites. Michael-Owen.net does not assume any liability or responsibility for the actions, product, availability or content of these outside resources. You should direct any concerns regarding any external link to the Website administrator or Webmaster of the third party Website.

2. This website is not intended to be viewed by minors or anyone under the age of 18. By entering this site, you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18.

3. By entering this website, you agree that you wish to be subscribed to this newsletter, and that you will make no threats, and take no additional action against Michael-Owen.net in the event you are unhappy that you subscribed or are not able to remove yourself from this free mailing list. You further agree that if you take any action against Michael-Owen.net other than requesting from us directly to be removed, including reporting or complaining to spamcop.net or any other similar policing entity, reporting or complaining to our isp or hosting company, or any other company that we are affiliated, partnered, or do business with, or make any threats of any kind, that you are violating this agreement and are willfully inflicting irreparable damage upon Michael-Owen.net.

4. You understand that by entering email address on Michael-Owen.net that you are subscribing to a free, no obligation Michael-Owen Email Newsletter. This newsletter is offered as a free service by Michael-Owen.net, and no purchase is necessary.


1. You represent, warrant and covenant (a) that no materials of any kind submitted by you or Michael-Owen.net ’s use thereof in accordance with the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service, will (i) violate, plagiarize or infringe upon the rights of any third party, including, without limitation, copyright, trademark, privacy or publicity, moral rights, contract or other personal or proprietary rights; (ii) contain unlawful material; (iii) constitute false or misleading indications of origin or statements of fact; (iv) slander, libel or defame any person or entity; or (v) cause injury of any kind to any person or entity; or (vi) violate any applicable laws, rules, regulations or other governmental regulations; and (b) that you are at least 18 years old. You hereby indemnify, defend and hold Michael-Owen.net and its officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers, affiliates, licensors and licensees (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from and against any and all liability and costs incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim arising out of any breach by you of these Terms of Service or the foregoing representations, warranties and covenants, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees. You Michael-Owen.net reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you. You shall not enter into any settlement agreement, which affects the rights of Michael-Owen.net without Michael-Owen.net’s prior written approval.

2. Michael-Owen.net neither represents nor endorses the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed, uploaded, or distributed through the Service by any user, information provider or any other person or entity. The website, the service, the access software (defined herein) and any materials provided by Michael-Owen.net or third parties through the website and the service are provided “as is.” Michael-Owen.net makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the merchantability, fitness for a particular use or purpose, title, non-infringement or any other warranty, condition, guaranty, or representation, whether oral, in writing or in electronic form, including but not limited to the accuracy, timeliness or usefulness of any materials provided through the service. Michael-Owen.net does not guarantee that your access to or use of the website or the services available therein will be continuous, uninterrupted or secure.

3. Any name that appears on Michael-Owen.net, including the name Michael Owen,  that resembles an actual person is entirely coincidental.

4. You hereby acknowledge that the use of the Website and the Services available therein is at your sole risk.


1. Michael-Owen.net shall not be responsible to you or any third parties for any direct or indirect, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damage or loss incurred in connection with use of the service, the website software or any of the materials provided by Michael-Owen.net or third parties through the service, or any damage or loss interruptions, deletions of files, errors, defects, delays in performance of the service or the website software, regardless of the claim as to the nature of the cause of action, even if Michael-Owen has been advised of the possibility of such damage or loss. Some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusions shall only apply to the extent permissible under applicable law.

2. Michael-Owen.net shall not be liable in any way whatsoever (including, but not limited to, negligence) for any special or consequential damages resulting from either your use of the site or your inability to use it or from your use of any site linked from or to the site. This limitation includes any circumstance in which Michael-Owen.net or its representative has been advised of potential liability. Certain applicable laws may not allow all the limitations of liability described herein. Should that be the case, Michael-Owen.net’s total liability to you for losses, damages, causes of action, and/or negligence shall not exceed the total amount paid by you (if any) to access the site.

3. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, Michael-Owen.net’s aggregate liability, and the aggregate liability of our licensors, to you or any third parties in any circumstance is limited to One Hundred U.S. Dollars ($100).

4. By using the site you waive any claim whatsoever against Michael-Owen.net which arises from your use, whether intended or not, of any other site. This waiver specifically includes any claim arising from a product and/or service which you purchase from any site other than Michael-Owen.net and any claim arising from security of information (including, but not limited to credit card information) which you use on this site. In addition, Michael-Owen.net assumes no responsibility for any content which you find on sites that link either to or from the site. This includes responsibility for the accuracy or compliance with any laws and for any viruses or other harmful things which may be contained in these sites. Nor is Michael-Owen.net responsible should any site link you to a site which you find offensive. Michael-Owen.net does not endorse or warrant the quality of any goods you buy from any site other than the site.

5. Disclaimer: Michael-Owen.net makes no warranties of any kind (either expressed or implied) concerning the materials on the site. Further, Michael-Owen.net does not warrant that transmission of the materials will not be interrupted nor does it warrant that the materials will contain no errors nor that they will be accurate. Michael-Owen.net does not warrant that the site itself or the server which transmits it will be free of viruses or anything else that might be harmful. Nor do we warrant that any defects will be corrected. You alone assume all risk associated with use of the site, including the full cost of any necessary repair or service to your computer.


1. You acknowledge and agree that you shall have no rights to the proprietary software and/or any related documentation, enhancements or modifications thereto, provided to you by the Website. You may not sublicense, assign or transfer any licenses granted to you byMichael-Owen.net, and any attempt at such sublicense, assignment or transfer is void. You may make one (1) copy of such software for archival purposes only. You may not copy, distribute, modify, reverse, engineer or create derivative works from the Website Software.

2. Software from this Website is further subject to United States Export Controls. No software from this Website may be downloaded or exported (i) into (or to a national or resident of) Cuba, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Iran, Syria, or any other country to which the United States has embargoed goods; or (ii) anyone on the United States Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Deny Orders. By downloading or using the software, you represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list.


1. You may not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website or any transaction conducted on the Website. You may not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. You may not disclose or share your password with any third parties or use your password for any unauthorized service.


1. Michael-Owen.net may, in its sole discretion, terminate or suspend your access or refuse service at any time, without notice, to all or part of the Service for any or no reason, including, without limitation, breach of these Terms of Service or the repeated infringement of copyrights owned by third parties.

2. Michael-Owen.net, including, without limitation, its authorized agents and employees may terminate your use of the Website without notice in the event that you breach any obligation in these Terms of Service, including but not limited to, (i) restricting, inhibiting or disrupting any Michael-Owen.net event or (ii) attempting to alter or improperly access any feature or function of the Website. Your access may also be subject to termination if you post or transmit any illegal content; harass or threaten any user of the Website or Michael-Owen.net employee; post content (including, but not limited to, the creation of usernames) that is offensive or otherwise disruptive of Website activities; post unsolicited advertising; or improperly impersonate a Michael-Owen.net employee or other individual.


  1. All items purchased from the Website are made pursuant to a shipment contract. This means that the risk of loss and title for such items passes to you upon our delivery to the carrier.


  1. Michael-Owen.net and its affiliates attempt to describe all of the products on the Website as accurately as possible. However, Michael-Owen.net does not warrant that product descriptions or other Content of this Website is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. If a product offered on our Website itself is not as described, your sole remedy is to return it in unused condition.


1. This Agreement has been made in and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the law without regard to any conflict of law provisions. Michael-Owen.net makes no representation that the Content in this Website is appropriate for access outside of the United States. Those who choose to access this Website from outside the United States do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.

2. Michael-Owen.net may at any time revise these Terms and Conditions by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then current Terms and Conditions to which you are bound.

3. These Terms of Service, the Privacy Statement and any other terms referenced in this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between you and Michael-Owen.net with respect to your access and use of the Website and Services and supercede all prior or contemporaneous agreements (whether oral, written or electronic) between you and Michael-Owen.net with respect to this Website or Services. If any of the provisions of this Agreement are determined to be invalid or unenforceable, then each invalid or enforceable provision will be construed in a manner consistent with applicable laws to reflect, as nearly as possible, the original intentions of the parties, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Michael-Owen.net may assign these Terms of Service (i) to any of its affiliates, (ii) to the surviving entity in the event of a merger, acquisition, or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of Michael-Owen.net or (iii) in connection with the sale of this Website or the business unit associated with this Website.